People's Academic Awards Banquet attendees can use the following options to enter Tyler Consolidated tonight. We ask to reserve the back lot, front circle, and main entrance/elevator for those with handicap/accessibility needs. Both lower lots are available for parking as well as both side entrances up the front stairs. Tonight's award ceremony and banquet begins at 6pm in the auditorium. Watch Live:
8 days ago, TCS InfoDesk
Tyler County Schools asks that parents/guardians take a moment to answer a one-question survey regarding NTI days. NTI (Non-Traditional Instructional) Days in West Virginia allow school districts to utilize up to five days of instruction in a non-traditional setting. This policy is outlined in WVBE Policy 3234. Survey:
9 days ago, TCS InfoDesk
View the Live Stream of tonight's board meeting on the Tyler County Schools YouTube channel:
11 days ago, TCS InfoDesk
2025-2026 School Year PK & Kindergarten enrollment is now open! Visit our website at to get started!
17 days ago, TCS InfoDesk
Tyler County Schools is excited to announce that it's time to select the name of the new elementary school. This is an important moment in shaping the future of our school, and we want YOU to be a part of it. Everyone—students, faculty, staff, and community members—are invited to participate in the voting process. The name with the most votes will be recommended to the school board for final approval. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this important decision.
17 days ago, TCS
***WATCH LIVE*** Tyler FFA 75th Annual Ham & Bacon Sale
20 days ago, TCS
The 3/3/25 Board of Education meeting at SES will be live streamed on the Tyler County Schools YouTube channel (@tylercoschools).
25 days ago, TCS InfoDesk
Gun Safety Program Tyler County Family Support Center Monday, March 3rd @ 6pm 250 Charles Street - Sistersville
26 days ago, TCS
Gun safety flyer
Check out this FREE resource for families! ---- World Vision is excited to provide you and your students with a FREE virtual library through our partnership with World Reader. The BookSmart virtual library allows your students (and their families) to self-select age-appropriate books, set goals for classroom reading, and encourage families to adopt a family reading culture.
29 days ago, TCS InfoDesk
Don't forget about the long weekend for Tyler County Schools! There will be no school on Friday 2/28 or Monday 3/3. Enjoy the weekend!
29 days ago, TCS InfoDesk
A generator will be delivered today. Cooks have a designated parking spot out back. All other vehicles must park in the lower lots.
29 days ago, TCS InfoDesk
A generator will be delivered on Thursday, February 27th. On that day, cooks will have a designated parking spot out back. All other vehicles must park in the lower lots.
about 1 month ago, TCS InfoDesk
**Calendar Update** June 3rd and 4th are now instructional days, with June 4th being the last day for students. Additionally, planned power outages of approximately 4 hours each day are planned for Tyler Consolidated on Friday 2/28 and Monday 3/3 to allow the construction crews to work on electrical systems. This outage will ONLY affect Tyler Consolidated.
about 1 month ago, TCS InfoDesk
---Board Meeting Update--- TCHS LSIC Presentation TCMS LSIC Presentation (Local School Improvement Council) If you are attending the board meeting tonight please enter the building through Door 18 (Side Custodian Entrance) or Doors 3 & 4 (MS Front Student Stair Entry). All delegations must sign up by 6:45pm Meeting can also be viewed live @
about 1 month ago, TCS
If you are attending the board meeting tonight please enter the building through Door 18 (Side Custodian Entrance) or Doors 3 & 4 (MS Front Student Stair Entry).
Save the date for the Inaugural WV Farm to School conference. The conference will be held November 4-5, 2025 at the Morgantown Marriott at Waterfront Place. Click here for more information:
about 1 month ago, TCS InfoDesk
On Monday February 17th all Tyler County Schools are closed for both students and staff due to secondary road conditions.
about 1 month ago, Shane Highley
On Monday February, 17th all Tyler County Schools are on a 2 hour delay for both students and staff.
about 1 month ago, Shane Highley
Westbrook Health Services, in coordination with Operation Parent, is offering a variety of free webinars. Click on the link to learn more about these valuable parent resources.
about 1 month ago, TCS InfoDesk
Community Message: Come and share your thoughts and ideas with RLS & Associates Inc. (a transportation engineering firm) from Dayton, Ohio as we develop transportation in Tyler and surrounding counties.
about 2 months ago, Andrew Weekley
Watch the Board of Education meeting on the Tyler County Schools YouTube Channel:
about 2 months ago, TCS InfoDesk